10 Questions ...
Profession: Dog handler
Dog-sport involvement: Conformation
Hometown: St. Cloud, Florida
Astrological sign: Libra
1. Do you have any dog-show superstitions?
I wouldn’t say I have any superstitions, but I do have a routine: Everything has to be organized — my truck, schedule, ringside bag and anything else I need. It’s more about staying prepared and in control than superstition — maybe just a touch of OCD!
2. TV-show guilty pleasure?
Anything from the CSI series, but right now, I’m really into “Dexter.’
3. If you were president of AKC for one day, what would you do?
I would focus on enhancing support for our sport and implementing policies to ensure greater fairness across the board.
4. Most valued material possession?
A very special show chain and lead, an antique heirloom gifted to me by someone truly special.
5. What is something no one would guess about you?
When I have the time, I love crocheting projects.
6. Who would you compare yourself to?
Everyone is unique in their own way, so I don’t make comparisons. Instead, I focus on bettering myself each day — working hard, improving, and learning from those around me.
7. What are you “famous” for?
I’m not famous, but a big accomplishment was becoming a pro bodybuilder who competed at the Olympia.
8. What website do you visit most often?
I often visit the Veterinary Information Network to read articles and learn how to provide even better care for dogs. Lately, I’ve been diving into research on the benefits of mushrooms for canines — it’s super interesting!
9. What was more memorable, your most satisfying win or disappointing defeat? And what was it?
The most memorable moment for me was winning my first national with a dog I bred, whelped, showed and owned — it was incredibly satisfying. As for a disappointing defeat, I was frustrated that the same dog, who was a top dog for two years and won multiple national specialties and big group wins, never secured a Best in Show. He was truly deserving, but unfortunately, some breeds tend to get overlooked.
10. What do you wish someone would ask you?
Tough one … I’m not sure. But maybe, “Would you like Starbucks or a craft beer?”