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Ch. Milson O'Boy with his handler Harry Hartnett goes Best in Show at the 1935 Morris & Essex Kennel Club. Pictured with the trophy is show chair and heiress Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge.
Wed, 04/22/2020 - 6:46pm


The rediscovery of the book "O’Boy!" written by Dr. Jay Calhoun and published in 1964 leads to a reappraisal of this celebrated Irish Setter.

Fri, 04/17/2020 - 7:43pm

In the Name of Love

In a dog world filled with larger-than-life figures, Dachshund breeder and famous archaeologist Iris Love moved in circles almost as rarified as the ancient gods and goddesses to whose study she devoted her life.

Wed, 04/15/2020 - 7:01pm

Sit, Stay

At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, prominent fanciers from across the globe give firsthand accounts of life in their respective homelands.

Göran Bodegård judging the Greyhound Club of America specialty in California 1991. BOB was Ch. Wilrick’s L’Elegante. Photo Vicky Cook.
Mon, 04/06/2020 - 6:50pm

An Overseas Farewell

A requiem for Swedish all-rounder and Sighthound specialist Dr. Göran Bodegård.

English Setter Ch. Daro of Maridor, who went Best in Show at Westminster in 1938, before he had even turned a year old.
Tue, 03/10/2020 - 2:31pm

The More Things Change

The days following the Westminster Kennel Club show are always a good time to ponder the sport of purebred dogs. It’s one of the best occasions of the year for people in the dog fancy, as well as the general public, to see some of the finest dogs of all breeds. It’s not unusual to hear calls throughout the year that various breeds have changed, over time, from their original appearance.


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