Tue, 03/26/2024 - 3:23pm

Letter from Dennis Sprung

Dear American Kennel Club fanciers,


The entire American Kennel Club Board of Directors and staff condemn alleged criminal conduct by any participant in our sports, and we will continue to examine ways to strengthen our oversight. We are committed to the well-being of every fancier, young or old, and will investigate every complaint that is received.


If you witness or suspect wrongful behavior, it should be reported to the police immediately.  If at an AKC event and you need assistance, contact the AKC representative or Event Chair.  


AKC is a welcoming community because we believe in sharing and celebrating the joy of dog sports together.  We must treat others with dignity and respect while looking out for one another.  There is nothing more important than safety for everyone who takes part.

AKC leadership and staff monitor events and are trained with abuse awareness and prevention courses from the U.S. Center for SafeSport.®  


Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or allegations about improper conduct at AKC events.  We are here to assist.




516 637 6567 cell

212 696 8327 office



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