It's a wide world out there: How would prospective AKC directors promote purpose-bred dogs to the general public?
Question of the Week
Karen Dewey
Newport, New Hampshire
What factors should be considered in solving a distance conflict between clubs that have shows on the same weekend? Should it be one size fits all or geographic area or other factors?
Carol White-Moser
Canton, Texas
What is your business plan for increasing the public's interest in and knowledge of purebred dogs? How are you going to increase the image of a dog show as a fun, family-safe weekend activity? We should be as popular as soccer practice.
Adrian Woodfork
Sacramento, California
I would ask what is their opinion about the fact that the same people seem to be recycled every year to judge the Royal Canin AKC show in Florida, and if they thought it is an insult to the judging community since the AKC is the governing body. Also, if they would they be willing to speak up about things that would make the sport more inclusive of minorities in an effort to widen interest, especially since entries are getting smaller every year.
Alice Lawrence
Stafford Springs, Connecticut
How many titles have you earned on dogs, without the use of a handler, that were owned, bred and whelped by you in your home?
Cathy Rubens
Kenly, North Carolina
How long do you think it takes for a specialty club to make it through club relations? How long do you think it should take?
And I am looking forward to the answers to this question!
Elsa Sell
Milner, Georgia
Are you aware of the minimum breeding age for dogs and bitches (whose progeny are registrable by AKC) and do you know when that was established? Once you know, would you strongly encourage the AKC board to implement a change more in keeping with breeding once a dog has reached more maturity?
Joe Kintz
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
I would ask why there is not, for example, a C category for obedience competitors who are showing or have shown a dog to an OTCH.
This change would give many of us a chance to place, especially at smaller club shows.
Aaron Kincer
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Recently, various sports have made efforts to make the in-person experience more compelling. What changes could and should be made to the dog-show experience to increase spectator participation?
Ginny Kincer
Chattanooga, Tennessee
What would you like to see in place to ensure less chance of the spread viral and airborne pathogens at dog sporting events?
Nancy Wilde
Fort Worth, Texas
When will the AKC board require judges to renew their breed cards? They should hold judges’ seminars every four years to give the judges a fresh look at standards of the breeds.
Too much politics is happening that is wrecking dog shows. Exhibitors don’t feel respected or treated fairly. When you can stand outside the ring and know how certain handlers are going to win everything with inferior dogs, that’s not a good look for a representative of AKC.
I’m a multiple equine judge with seven cards, and I must attend seminars every three years.
Mary Magee
Indianapolis, Indiana
My one question would be: How will you protect preservation breeders’ rights against those who are pushing against all breeding of companion animals?