Fri, 07/26/2024 - 6:40pm

10 Questions ...

... asked of Lori Wilson-Paust


Profession: Professional dog handler

Dog-sport involvement: Third-generation breeder/exhibitor in conformation/lure coursing

Hometown: Hanford, California

Astrological sign: Gemini


1. Do you have any dog-show superstitions?  

I have found that if I have trouble or delays getting to a show, I win a lot! Plus, superstitious about my specials leash.


2. TV-show guilty pleasure?

“Jeopardy!” and “Game of Thrones.”


3. If you were president of AKC for one day, what would you do?  

I would allow long-time, qualified dog people to judge at least two groups to start. Then after that, go through the same process as others if all goes well.


4. Most valued material possession?

Some photos and a few things Bobby gave me.


5. What is something no one would guess about you?

I love to help new dog people, and I love adventures! I have bungee-jumped.


6. Who would you compare yourself to?

I wouldn’t compare myself to anyone. I’m just me.


7. What are you “famous” for?

Whippets, I would assume.


8. What website do you visit most often?

Either Onofrio or Infodog.


9. What was more memorable, your most satisfying win or disappointing defeat? And what was it?

I’ve been fortunate to have some wonderful wins, but winning the Hound Group at Westminster with Chanel under Everett Dean was the best. No defeat was so bad that a good win couldn’t erase it.


10. What do you wish someone would ask you?

I wish people would ask me anything rather than gossip about it. I’m always willing to talk. Or ask me about my favorite places.


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