Many shows dogs are getting more exercise these days.
Tue, 09/01/2020 - 10:38pm

Question of the Week

What have you been doing over these long and seemingly endless months without dog shows?

Julie Ordner

West St. Paul, MN

I'm grooming less on my Skye right now. I don't have a set time or date for bathing. Rather, I go by how the coat looks and feels. As far as physical conditioning, there is no snow in Minnesota right now, making critters easier to chase and possibly catch. Prey drive is on, and she conditions herself.


Kathleen Riley

Minnetonka, MN

Weather in Minnesota is nice now, so we’re getting more adventure hiking accomplished. Baths are still occurring on the same schedule. More playing in the yard, which we all benefit from.


Danielle Goodland-Rose

Mauston, WI

Nothing changes except no show to travel to. We keep the same weekly routine with bathing and running in the yards.


David Murray

Los Angeles, CA

Been home since March growing hair, and lots of exercise and play time.


Julia Swanson

Eatonville, WA

I haven't changed anything in my daily routine. The conditioning is daily no matter if there are shows or not. I love keeping my dogs groomed and in condition. I would say I am more active now, lots of small hikes and out in nature.


Natalie Hollinger

Sterling, VA

Nothing in our formal routine has changed, with the exception of the added benefit of additional time for the dogs to be outside in the yard because I’m now working from home entirely. Before I was in the office three days a week. The only thing that has impacted their routine is the typical change in weather; morning exercise occurs earlier to dodge the midday heat.


Terri VanSchyndel

Abrams, WI

I have proper Keeshond coats on my dogs so I maintain my normal procedures. I have five young dogs right now itching to get out and show ... well, actually it's me who wants to be out showing.


Letty Hughes

Nome, AK

No changes in the coat-condition regime because why throw all the hard work to the side when a show opportunity may present itself. Physical conditioning is same, but I have incorporated new exercises (physical and mental) into their programs.


Chris Chapman

Primos, Pennsylvania

Lots of yard play time, occasional show practice to keep us both remembering what we're supposed to do and pretty much everything else (bathing, grooming, ears and teeth) on an as-needed basis. Keeping up with a nail trim schedule has been harder since the days seem to run together. Yeah, I'm a victim of "What day is it anyway?"


Leslie Simis

Temple City, CA

It’s hard for my breed, Poodles. Physical conditioning is normal, but the coat is a whole different story. When they are being shown and their coat is constantly being scissored, the trim stays tight, which improves the overall quality and texture. But with the lack of shows combined with the uncertainty and the depression that have set in, the coats suffer. Not due to lack of care, but the lack of dog shows. I’m sure this is common in many breeds whose coats thrive on constant trimming. We have had no shows in California since March... sure hope that changes sometime soon. Missing my dog-show family.





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