Bobby Paust with wife Lori Wilson-Paust.
Tue, 09/07/2021 - 2:41pm

The Gossip Column, September 10, 2021

The fancy says a sad farewell to Bobby Paust and June Matarazzo

You still have another week to enter the event of the year – six years, in fact: the MORRIS & ESSEX KENNEL CLUB Dog Show. The official closing date is Friday, September 17, at noon if the entry limit of 4,455 dogs isn’t reached before then. But why take the chance – enter today to be part of and experience a great dog show. ...

Did I really receive a certificate from the AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB congratulating me on my PUPPY OF ACHIEVEMENT? Not quite sure of my puppy’s achievement, I read with great interest the accompanying letter. It is a program created to give exhibitors “a fun and attainable goal to achieve 10 POA points.” My purpose in exhibiting my puppy was to socialize him, seeing as there are more and more point shows and less and less match shows to attend. Who sits around and thinks up these ideas? I guess we should be grateful that this program doesn’t award points toward a dog’s championship. (I hope I didn't just give them another idea.) ...

Kudos to CHARLOTTE JONES, who has remained in Afghanistan to see that contract military dogs return home. Because the dogs are owned by contract workers and hired by the military, the military doesn't have their health records, and they must fly home on commercial, not military flights. The recent embargo on importing dogs from Afghanistan has been waived so that these dogs can return to the United States. In addition to the 50 military contract dogs, she is trying to get several other animals – including cats and a parrot – back stateside. ...

Some very significant passings this week: BOBBY PAUST spent his entire life surrounded by and loving dogs. From his original job working with fellow Long Islander the late handler BOBBY CLYDE, he segued to working for then handler PETER GREEN. No wonder his love of Terriers was second to none, except in later years with his loving wife LORI WILSON-PAUST he developed a passion for Whippets. BOBBY relocated to Sweden, where he married and raised his children. Returning to the States, he embarked on a very successful and calendar-full judging career. He was childlike when he spoke about dogs, and his enthusiasm was contagious. Surely, one of his proudest moments was his membership in the all-terrier Montgomery County Kennel Club. All of us at DOG NEWS mourn his loss to our sport and send our deepest condolences to his wife LORI and his children. ...

Afghan Hound and Greyhound breeder and exhibitor JUNE MATARAZZO has passed away. Hard to believe that bouncy blond ball of fire is gone – another old-time friend who dates back to days spent at SUNNY SHAY’S Grandeur Kennels. SUNNY introduced me to the then JUNE & GENE VACCARO. After their breakup, they still to this day kept active with their love of the breed. JUNE remarried and has spent the last 30 years with her husband JOHN MATARAZZO. JUNE and her WILLOWMOOR Afghans were joined later with Greyhounds that also went on to being successful in the show ring. 



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