Portuguese Water Dog GCh. Claircreek Impression de Matisse.
Bichon Frisé Ch. Special Times Just Right. Photo Pegini.
Miniature Poodle Eng. & Am. Ch. Frederick of Rencroft at Westminster with handler Frank Sabella and judge Melbourne Downing.
Pekingese Ch. Chik T'Sun of Caversham, imp. UK, 126 BIS, including Westminster 1960.
Sealyham Terrier Ch. Gunside Babs of Hollybourne, BIS Morris & Essex in 1934.
The Pointer bitch Ch. Nancolleth Beryl of Giralda won 19 BIS in 1932.
Ormandy Souperlative Bar Sinister, who figured heavily in the book "After Bar Sinister" by iconic Bull Terrier expert Raymond Oppenheimer.
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