Our latest installment of "30 Under 30," celebrating 20-something in the sport. Meet Olivia Persinger, Ethan Coye, Kellie Williams (Dahlberg).
As we approach Thanksgiving during this pandemic, how have your dogs lifted your spirits and made you thankful?
Roger Hartinger of Cincinnati, Ohio, has passed away at the age of 86.
Beverly Hills cancelled, Jimmy Mitchell retires, Jess Bontecou and Bob Jordan pass.
Crufts 2021 postponed, insurance bonus for breeders, dogs celebrated in Turkmenistan.
From mask deniers to corporate callousness, a lamentation over our lack of compassion.
According to the National Animal Interest Alliance, 2020 was a lackluster year for enacting animal laws.
Cavalier King Charles and English Toy Spaniels, once both known as Toy Spaniels, were popular subjects in artwork throughout the centuries.
From identity obscurement to bad-breath barriers, some other reasons to wear face coverings at dog shows.