Question of the Week
Margaret Fox
Brewster, New York
For a woman, hats are like lipsticks. She needs many. I picked this one up from a milliner in Paris. Makes me look like Napoleon.
Richard Reynolds
Tenafly, New Jersey
There have been many hounds judged in my old bowler hats, but they’ve seen their day. This fine gray addition from Village Hat Shop will make its debut at Morris & Essex.
Maria Arechaederra
Silverado, California
I will be wearing a vintage St. John suit, and my hat is a Derby Dress Cloche Tea Party bucket hat with an art-deco Champagne Peacock feather.
Doug Johnson
Bloomington, Indiana
Weather pending, option one: navy textured blazer with plaid gray pants coupled with gray shirt and Charles Tyrwhitt velvet collar overcoat.
Madga Chiarella
New Providence, New Jersey
I assembled five outfits for New Jersey October weather, ranging from subarctic to tropical. Each hat goes with one of the outfits. I might be able to wear some or all of them between Morris & Essex, Hatboro, Devon and our terrier main event – Montgomery.
Laura Reeves
Grant Pass, Oregon
The hat was my mother’s. I saved it for the day I would attend Morris & Essex, never dreaming I’d actually be judging! The rest was built around it. Vintage wool tweed jacket and mink stole from eBay, paired with a knit skirt and tall boots. Sort of a “lady of the hunt” look … but if it’s really warm, I might melt!