The Gossip Column: February 23, 2024
As an unabashed supporter and former trustee of the MORRIS ANIMAL FOUNDATION, I read with interest their “YOUR IMPACT BY THE NUMBERS” and “IN 2023 YOU POWERED,” a breakdown of where the money you donate is distributed to make better lives for all animals. So, by the numbers, in 2023 you powered 72 DOG STUDIES, 29 CAT STUDIES, 44 HORSE STUDIES, 49 WILDLIFE STUDIES, 21 VETERINARY SCHOLARSHIPS and 21 FELLOWSHIP TRAINING GRANTS. Plus, new science in these priority research areas: INFECTIOUS DISEASE, CANCER, IMMUNOLOGY, GENETICS and GENERAL HEALTH, including EYE & EAR HEALTH. Great work by a great organization. ...
The AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB recently announced the winners of the JUNIOR VERSATILITY SCHOLARSHIPS, given to the top 10 Juniors who competed in a minimum of three different competitive AKC events, i.e. Junior Showmanship, Fast CAT, Agility, Obedience, Rally, Trick Dog, etc. This scholarship is offered by Pug fanciers CAROLYN & GARY KOCH through the AKC HUMANE FUND, with ELIZABETH FLETCHER in memory of DORIS WALL and the NORTH CAROLINA TRIANGLE JUDGES EDUCATION GROUP and the AKC NATIONAL JUNIOR ORGANIZATION. The TOP TEN WINNERS in order are: first, THEODORE MOORE ($3,000), who competed in Agility, Obedience, Rally, Pointing Breed Hunt Tests, Fast CAT, Junior Showmanship, CGC and Trick Dog with German Shorthaired Pointers; second, AVA GARDNER ($2,500), who competed in Agility, Fast CAT, Junior Showmanship and Rally; third, CHRISTOPHER PLANK ($2,000), who competed in Agility, Fast CAT, Scent Work, Rally, Trick Dog and Virtual Home Manners; fourth, KAYLIN SMITH ($1,500), who competed in Agility, Fast CAT and Rally; fifth, GRANT GOODING ($1,000), who competed in Pointing Breed Hunt Tests, Field Trials, Fast CAT, Junior Showmanship, Obedience, Rally and Trick Dog; sixth, KIRBIE ALLEN ($750), who competed in Fast CAT, Junior Showmanship and Lure Coursing; seventh, MARILYN DEMPSEY ($500), who competed in Junior Showmanship, Agility and Fast CAT; eighth, ANJA CIKARA-GOCKE ($250), who competed in Fast CAT, Junior Showmanship, Obedience, Rally and Trick Dog; ninth, ALLISON CHISM ($250), who competed in Agility, Fast CAT, Junior Showmanship, Coursing Ability Test, Virtual Home Manners and Agility League, and, finally, tenth, SARAH FORD ($250), who competed in Agility, Rally and Scent Work. Congratulations, all.