Dennis McCoy. Photo by Julie L. Mueller.
Fri, 02/24/2023 - 3:39pm

The Gossip Column: February 24, 2023

Dennis McCoy mourned by Poodle fancy and beyond, Shows Dogs dinner returns to Gotham Hall

The terribly sad news of the passing of DENNIS MCCOY has shocked our entire purebred dog community. We lost one of the sport’s biggest boosters, and I lost a beloved friend. Belying his 75 years, DENNIS was like the boy next door, ever youthful and energetic with a big smile. His accomplishments in and out of the show ring were lengthy. A long and successful career as a professional handler in partnership with RANDY GARREN took the art of grooming and presentation of Poodles to the next level. They were in their heyday what FRANK SABELLA was in his. DENNIS, with his pink socks, won lots of red-white-and-blue ribbons, highlighted by the 1991 WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB Best in Show with the white Standard Poodle Ch. Whisperwind On a Carousel, owned by DR. & MRS. HARTSOCK. Their string of dogs was not limited to Poodles; they showed other breeds with great success, one being a Puli owned by their best friend and confidante JACKIE BEAUDION. On their retirement from handling, both DENNIS & RANDY began a second career as judges, each one approved for several groups while still keeping the boarding and grooming business at full throttle. As president of the POODLE CLUB OF AMERICA, Dennis had the national specialty moved to PURINA FARMS, a more central part of the country. And who has ever attended the TAR HEEL CIRCUIT and not witnessed DENNIS sitting in his high director’s chair making announcements? Truly the end of an era. All of us at DOG NEWS, especially this writer, send our love and prayers to RANDY and their family and friends around the world. ...

The letters to the TOP-WINNING DOGS in each variety group for 2022 have been mailed to the owners, as have the letters to the top Obedience Dog, top Junior Handler and the nominees in the five categories: Breeder, Owner-Handler, Judge, Professional Handler and Show (including all-breed and specialty events) that are voted online by you. The three nominees in each category are well known and well deserving of the recognition they are receiving. We will announce the start date of the voting shortly. Voting will commence in mid-March, and all the winners will be feted at the annual black-tie PURINA® PRO PLAN® SHOW DOGS OF THE YEAR AWARDS DINNER Partnered with DOG NEWS on Sunday, May 7. With WESTMINSTER being held at a new venue so close to Manhattan, we were very pleased to return to the beautiful setting that is GOTHAM HALL.


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