AKC/USA World Agility Team 2019. Photo courtesy AKC.
The Gossip Column: September 29, 2023
The AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB/UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN WORLD AGILITY TEAM is traveling to the Czech Republic to compete in the FCI AGILITY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, which takes place on October 4 through 8. Our team consists of 16 members and four alternates. ...
There are four teams that are broken down into Small, whose members and dogs include DIANE PATTERSON with Happy, MARCO GIAVONI with Bet, HAN YU with Skye, SARAH RUTLAND with Primo and alternate JEN PINDER with Wicca; Medium with SARAH BAKER with Skeptic, JENNIFER CRANK with Bee, ABBEY BEASLEY with Swindle, DEB SCHULMAN with Trek and alternate BYRON DAIL with Dodger; Intermediate with EMILY KLARMAN with Vanish, CASEY KELLER with Liri, BOB DAIGLE with Blew Bayou, CHRIS TUCCI with Serengeti and alternate KRIS SEITER with Naavdanya, and Large with ROMA HUNTER with Sapphire, MEGAN MILLER with Maeraki, PERRY DEWITT with Wit, JESSICA AJOUX with Hallelujah and SALLY CONNELL with Kit. The team members hail from California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Washington and Wisconsin. Here’s hoping they bring home the gold. ...
You know you can be ridiculed for splurging on beds and accessories for you dogs; decorator NATE BERKUS, well known for his work on television, and his partners have filled the void of catering to smaller pets, designing furniture and other products to make creatures like rats, hamsters, gerbils and lizards feel at home. I know one person whose love of ferrets knows no bounds, and likes to know you can find some things at PETSMART. Yes, she shows Great Danes. ...
One of the nicest and most gracious ladies in our sport, PAM WINTHERS, was given a surprise 90th-birthday party by her many friends who wanted to share this special date with her. Hosted by her son ROBERT WINTHERS, among the guests were GLORIA BIRCH, ROBERT SIMPSON, JOAN ZIELINSKI, JOHN & TAMMIE WILCOX, MARK ISEKI, SHEILA RAYMOND and KRIS OLIVERSEN. ...
When you mention the Basenji, it’s almost impossible not to mention the first lady of the breed — namely, the incomparable breeder and supporter DAMARA BOLTE. Gracious with her wins and losses, she is a true sportswoman who is celebrating her 92nd birthday, and all of us at DOG NEWS send our very best wishes. ...
We were saddened to hear that Dachshund, Pointer and Basset Hound judge JOHN CONTOUPE has passed away. Our deepest sympathies to his family and friends.